An urban road is an extremely complex place with vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians, and other forms of transport moving independently and often unpredictably. The space of “what could happen” is large and challenges the ability of conventional safety analysis methods to prove that automotive systems are safe. Autonomy, increased connectivity and integration, and the use of Machine Learning further challenge the ability of automakers and suppliers to ensure the safety of their technology.
CSL was a member of the working group that developed the first edition of ISO 26262, and we use this expertise and our extensive experience to help clients navigate automotive industry standards such as ISO 26262, ISO 21448, and UL 4600.
Our team has a proven track record of enabling clients to plan and execute the full range of specialized activities required to manage both functional safety risk and SOTIF risk. Clients rely on CSL’s expert knowledge and experience with safety standards to adapt their engineering processes to comply with the demanding requirements of these standards. Our innovative solutions cover every aspect of a comprehensive safety engineering program for advanced automotive technology, including safety requirements specification, hazard analysis, safety V&V, and development of safety cases.
Our involvement in early R&D work on autonomous vehicle safety resulted in several U.S. patents:
US 8618922 – “Method and system for ensuring operation of limited-ability autonomous driving vehicles”;
US 9244460 – “Methods and apparatus for isolating safety functions in a motion control system for a vehicle”;
US 9740178 – “Primary controller designation in fault-tolerant systems.”